Increase your sales pipeline without increasing headcount

For many years growth in sales development was achieved by growing the headcount of Sales Development team. This led to mass layoffs we saw in the last 5 years.It's 2024 and this approach is no longer sustainable.Instead, we should focus on enabling an SDR team of any size to do more, without growing the headcount.This can be achieved by:
- creating relevant lead lists and using triggers to outreach the right people at the right time;
- using multiple mailboxes and domains for outreach;
- using syntax and AI-enhanced content to increase our email deliverability;
- generating creative copy that prompts prospects to respond;
These are some of the fundamentals that any company planning an outbound motion should get right. Only by nailing all of these areas you can expect your outbound motion to bring in results.Feel free to book a call if you are interested to learn how you can implement all of these parts in your current approach and start bringing in more meetings!


Hi there! My name is Aivars and I've been selling B2B SaaS products for the last 7+ years.I've had a chance to be a part of companies at various growth stages, ranging from seed stage start-up to a company growing through Series A and B.During this time I've gathered knowledge and understanding of building effective Sales Development processes.I have built 100+ outreach workflows that help sales teams save time and do more.Let me help you achieve your sales targets and build a predictable and scalable outreach engine.


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